PTC Dollars
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Post by zhorak Thu 12 Jun 2008 - 20:06

I am very happy now because I recieved my first PTC earning Smile

I have been a member of for about a month and I requested my
payout about 15 days ago. It is very easy to reach payout because there
are more than 25 ads (worth 1 cent) everyday and payout is $5. So you
can easily reach payout in 20 days and take your money in a month.

I strongly recommend everyone to use Smile

Here is the proof

If you want to sign-up I advise you to sign under my referral link which
is at downline builder section. If you do that, your referral link is
placed instead of mine and you will have a referral too.


Number of posts : 84
Registration date : 2008-04-27

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