PTC Dollars
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Ptc-bux-Payout $2

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Ptc-bux-Payout $2 Empty Ptc-bux-Payout $2

Post by Thu 25 Sep 2008 - 5:12

Very Happy Payout: $ 2 Laughing
Per click: $ 0.01 \ Per refferal click: $ 0.005
Per premium click: $ 0.012 \ Per premium ref click: $ 0.008
Payout: $ 2
Payment will be given within 1 business days (for premium) and 5 business das (for standart)y, but usually all payments are send in less than 5 days. Premium Members receive priority payments in 24h.

Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2008-09-25

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