PTC Dollars
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Post by arias Thu 6 Aug 2009 - 13:44

Standard Member Benefits:
• Earn Cash Online
• Earn $0.01 Per Ad View
• Earn $0.005 For Each Referral's Clicks
• Hold Up to 100 Direct Referrals
• Up to 7 Daily Advertisements To view
• Priority Payments within 48 Hours
• Minimal Cashout Amount at $4 Only

Premium Member Benefits:
• Earn $0.02 per ad clicked.
• Earn $0.01 per ad clicked by your referrals.
• Receive a 15% discount off any jackpot purchases.
• Receive a 15% discount off referral recycling.
• Receive a 15% discount off referral renewals.
• Surf up to 12 Advertisements Daily!
• Receive a 20% discount off referral rental purchases.
• Instant automated payments for cashout

Payout : 4 $ Alertpay,Paypal


Number of posts : 948
Registration date : 2008-12-20

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