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AD Flasher- PTC/ Autsourf

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AD Flasher- PTC/ Autsourf Empty AD Flasher- PTC/ Autsourf

Post by rogelio11 Mon 14 Sep 2009 - 3:38

Here is a way that you can make about $15.00 per HOUR by simply clicking on ads.
A get paid to surf program different from the others. How much you earn is a function of how much you surf.
You can earn $15/hr doing this. And get paid every day. For work at home moms or students needing spending money,
or if you just need to come up with some bill paying money, this program can be the answer.
This not a typical Revenue
Share program and this is not your standard run of the mill, surf site
where your money gets tied up for weeks or even months.

AD Flasher- PTC/ Autsourf Awillrul

What are the requirements to use AdFlasher?
Screen resolution of at least 1280 x 900
A recent browser such as IE 7 or above, Firefox or Google Chrome withJavascript enabled
An active account with alertpay, Google Checkout, PayPal or Liberty Reserve
Internet access

AD Flasher- PTC/ Autsourf Awillrul

Once this becomes a well-oiled machine, it can be a godsend for so many... but Ihave to admit, you just don't realize
how long an hour can be until you donothing but look at ads for 60 minutes!! LOL We will be earning that $15 perhour,
that's for sure! This is NEW and has been tested. You can earn $15 anhour, and the
most it will cost you is $15... Earning potential is unlimited, the more timeyou have, the more you can earn!

AdFlasher is something to get excited about!

With this program, you not only have the chance to get your money
back the same day, but you also stand the chance to earn 100% clear

If you do this just 2 hours a day, you can make $210.00 per week or
$840.00 per month.

If you do this 4 hours a day, you can make $420.00 per week or
$1680.00 per month.

If you can click more, then you can make more! They pay daily as you finish yourView Pack campaigns.
Again, you DO NOT have to wait a week to get paid or a month depending on otherprograms you might be
in. This can and will pay you daily if you finish your campaigns daily.

The name of this company is and they started in August.

One of the payment processors they use is PayPal. I received word from myup-line that PayPal is familiar with and they gave them their approval to use PayPal's services. Notmany programs
use PayPal because PayPal does not approve just any program to use theirservices. So seeing them using PayPal
makes this an even safer decision to get started. You also may usealertPay or Google Checkout.

How to get started
1. You register on the site, you can register for fre e to take a look:
At this link Very Happy

2. Login and complete your profile.

Surf the first round of ads, they give you 75 cents to try it out,
which willdouble to $1.50. Do this to make sureyour system is
compatible with the adviewer and resolve any issues before youmake your

4. Purchase
a minimum of $15 worth of"View Packs" using one of the above processors
(from CONSUMERS AREA,not advertisers). Each "View Pack" is 100 views
that you need tocomplete before you will get paid. Doesn't matter how
long it takes you tocomkplete this. You just don't get paid until you
view all 100 ads. 1 view consists of 27 ads beinghighlighted on your
screen (more info below), and occasionally looking at anactual website
for about 5 seconds. Each view will take you about 30seconds to

5. Once you purchase your "ViewPack", then click on the "Ad Viewer"

6. A full page screen will come up with 54boxes on it that looks like 54 classified ads

7. A
yellow highlight will randomly lightup various boxes as it flashes all
over the page. It reminds me of thatgame show Press
Your Luck where the contestants are hoping not to land on aWhammy. No need to click on Yellow boxes.

8. Once you see a RED 4 second timerappear in one of the boxes, click on that box and a full page ad will appear.
You must click on the timer before the 4 second timer ends or you have to startover.
You would just start that 1 view over.

9. Let
the ad fully load and stay on thatpage/ad for about 5 seconds or
so. If you leave too early, again you haveto start over for
that ad.

10. Once
the page has loaded, click on the"close" link in the upper right hand
corner. The process willrepeat again...highlight
will bounce
around the page, once you see the 4 secondtimer, click on that box, and
let the page/ad load up for about 5 seconds,
thenclose the page.

Each time you complete this process,usually around 2-4 times, you will
receive $.30 cents. It takes about 30seconds to
finish each view. When you finish all 100, you have earned$30...100 x $.30.

12. The minimum that you can withdraw is $30.00. Each View Pack (100views) is $15, and once you complete the full 100 views,
you will have earned$30. At that point, your $30 will be in a pending
status. It tookabout 6 hrs for those funds to be moved fully
over to my Available Balance onceI completed all of my views. Once
those funds are in your AvailableBalance, you can go ahead
and place a withdrawal request.

I would recommend just buying 1 View Pack at a time. There is
noadvantage to purchasing more than 1 at a time. The mistake I
madeoriginally was purchasing 4 View Packs with my first spend. I
reallywanted to test this to make sure it worked, but quickly found
out that if youbuy 4 View Packs (400 views), you have to finish surfing
all 400 views beforeyou will get paid. It's not like I could purchase
400, view 100, then getpaid on that 100, and then do the other 300 when
I get some free time.

How can I earn money with AdFlasher?

AD Flasher- PTC/ Autsourf Awillbu1Hourly earnings up to $15.00 AD Flasher- PTC/ Autsourf Awillbu1$1.50 Signup Bonus AD Flasher- PTC/ Autsourf Awillbu1$1.50 Invitation Bonus AD Flasher- PTC/ Autsourf Awillbu110% Referral Commissions AD Flasher- PTC/ Autsourf Awillbu1Targeted CPM Advertising AD Flasher- PTC/ Autsourf Awillbu1Guaranteed 4.6% CTR AD Flasher- PTC/ Autsourf Awillbu1Guaranteed Consumer Attention AD Flasher- PTC/ Autsourf Awillbu1Lifetime Directory Listings You
can also signup for affiliate programs and advertise products on
behalf of other businesses. The possibilities are endless!

Join now and earn cash per hour!


Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2009-09-14

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